Sunday, June 26, 2016


Social Media Marketing refers to the process of gaining traffic or attention through social media sites. Although social media marketing is an integral element of 21st-century, the literature on social media marketing remains fragmented and is focused on isolated issues, such as tactics for effective communication, or how to produce and execute an effective social media campaign. Social Media Marketing (SMM) is increasingly being used in business to attract attention and gain website traffic. An examination of the digital marketing spending in U.S. from 2014 to 2019, broken down by segment reveals that social media is an area of marketing, which will receive heavy investment in the following years.

However, there is very limited information regarding SMM and millennials. Reaching a young audience who are hard to reach, up to date on the latest trends and often more Internet savvy than the average merchant can be a challenging task. It can be difficult to know what online platforms and marketing strategies will actually reach this audience and what is just a waste of time and resources.
Many experts in the industry agree that reaching the millennials doesn’t have to be an arduous process. It just requires merchants to do some research into what is trendy now online and adapting your marketing so that your efforts are successful at reaching this highly sought after target market.

I present here the top 3 things marketers and merchants should be doing online to keep up with the #millennials.

YouTube has become a massive attraction for teenagers and twenty something’s alike brands and performers are producing content that is both entertainment and lucrative.

One of the most interesting things for marketers about YouTube is the rise of the “YouTube Star.” These are people who create their own video content and garner millions of subscribers by posting content. From gamers to comedians to make-up gurus, millions of young people are subscribed to channels producing interesting content. People such as Zoella, PewDiePie and Miss Glamorazzi all have millions of followers who look to them for advice and reviews.

One way brands are capitalizing on this phenomena is to sponsor videos. They do this by sponsoring videos and getting YouTubers talking about their products in their videos.

It’s safe to assume that as an eCommerce merchant you are probably on Facebook, Twitter, and the rest of the bigger social media sites. And don’t worry millennials are still using them too. However, new social media platforms are taking center stage within this target market. One of them is definitely Snapchat.
Snapchat has fast become one of the most popular ways to communicate and connect with friends and brands are catching on to. Taco Bell leads the way by posting funny images, promoting its products and getting customers engaged with the brand. Other stores soon followed suit and it has become a great way to share a brand story and post creative fun pictures to engage with customers.

Blogging is still a very popular way to market products to millennials. They prefer the reviews from a blogger than a news story from a well-known news source. Bloggers have amazing influence especially with a young audience. Fashion, sports, beauty, and lifestyle bloggers are all worshiped by their followers and seen as leaders in regards to what’s trendy and what to buy.


Social Media Marketing

Digital spending in the United States from 2014 to 2019, by segment


The Marketer’s Guide to Reaching Millennials

Next-Generation Strategies for Advertising to Millennials


Chasing Their Star, on YouTube



Ingrid Nilsen


Why Taco Bell Went Loco for Snapchat

Top Millennial Blogs to Subscribe To

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